New compute project

Initialize a new package locally using fastly

No Fastly account required for local development. For the manual way see below.

✅ Create a new compute project from a starter kit.

mkdir edge-image-filter
cd edge-image-filter
fastly compute init

Give it a name of your choice.
When asked for the language to use select "Rust".
When asked for the Starter kit, use "[5] Empty starter for Rust".

✅ Finally run the project locally

fastly compute serve

Your application should be reachable at

Initialize a new package locally.

The fastly CLI handles creation of a new package. It essentially does the below steps.

✅ Create a new project using cargo

cargo new edge-image-filter
cd edge-image-filter

✅ Add the fastly dependency

cargo add fastly

Alternatively add it to your Cargo.toml under [dependencies]:

fastly = "0.8.6"

✅ Add the scaffolding to src/

use fastly::http::StatusCode;
use fastly::{Error, Request, Response};

fn main(req: Request) -> Result<Response, Error> {

✅ You also need a fastly.toml file with some configuration. Create that file and add this content:

authors = [""]
description = ""
language = "rust"
manifest_version = 2
name = "edge-image-filter"
service_id = ""

✅ Finally run the project locally

fastly compute serve

Your application should be reachable at