
This section describes how to set up the toolchain for compiling Rust programs to WebAssembly and integrate them with the different environments we will look at.

The Rust Toolchain

You will need the standard Rust toolchain, including rustup, rustc, and cargo.

Follow these instructions to install the Rust toolchain.

Rust and WebAssembly is available on Rust stable. That means we don't require any experimental feature flags. The latest Rust should work best.

WASM targets

Install the WASM targets:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
rustup target add wasm32-wasi

Additional tooling

Some of these are optional. They make some tasks easier to handle, but it can be done without them.


A fast and secure runtime for WebAssembly.

Full installation instructions:

Linux and macOS users can execute the following:

curl -sSf | bash

Alternatively, on macOS with brew:

brew install wasmtime

This will download a precompiled version of wasmtime and place it in $HOME/.wasmtime, and update your shell configuration to place the right directory in PATH.

Windows users should visit the releases page and download the MSI installer (wasmtime-v2.0.0-x86_64-windows.msi for example) and use that to install.


Tool to generate JavaScript bindings for a wasm file.

cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli

Serving local content over HTTP

"Host These Things Please" (https) is a basic http server for serving files in a folder over HTTP locally.

Install it using cargo:

cargo install https

You can later simply use http to run it.

wasm2wat (optional)

Translate from the binary WebAssembly format back to the text format (also known as a .wat). Part of the WebAssembly Binary Toolkit (WABT).


brew install wabt


Download the release from the WABT release page.

Fastly CLI (optional)

fastly is an open-source command line tool for interacting with the Fastly API. It can be used to create, build and run Compute@Edge projects locally and deploy them on Fastly.

Installation instructions.

For macOS:

brew install fastly/tap/fastly

For Windows and Linux:

Download a release from the fastly GitHub Release page.