Building a simple Qt application with Rust

CXX-Qt provides helper libraries that make it easy for the Rust build system to link to Qt.

The goal for now is to create a simple program that just launches an Qt/QML application.

✅ In the workspace create a new Rust application

cargo new --bin qt-gui

✅ Add the new crate to the workspace

members = ["cli", "image-manipulation", "qt-gui"]
resolver = "2"

✅ Then enter our new crate

cd qt-gui

✅ Add a simple QML main file in qml/main.qml

$ mkdir qml
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15

ApplicationWindow {
    height: 480
    title: qsTr("Hello World")
    visible: true
    width: 640

✅ Add dependencies to the Cargo.toml file

rustagram2 = "*"
image-manipulation = { path = "../image-manipulation" }

cxx = "1.0.95"
cxx-qt = "0.6"
cxx-qt-lib = "0.6"

# The "link_qt_object_files" is required when using Cargo to link to Qt statically.
cxx-qt-build = { version = "0.6", features = [ "qt_qml", "link_qt_object_files" ] } 

CXX-Qt is split up into multiple crates.

  • CXX-Qt - Allows you to create QObjects from Rust and to interact with existing QObjects
  • CXX-Qt-lib - Library of bindings to Qt types like QString, QApplication, etc.
  • CXX-Qt-build - A build-system library to link Rust with Qt, build QML modules, etc.

We will also need CXX itself later on, so include that as well.

✅ Next to the Cargo.toml file, add a file with the following contents:

use cxx_qt_build::{CxxQtBuilder, QmlModule};

fn main() {
        // - Qt Core is always linked
        // - Qt Qml is linked by enabling the qt_qml Cargo feature.
        // - Qt Qml requires linking Qt Network on macOS
        .qml_module(QmlModule::<&str, _> {
            uri: "com.kdab.cxx_qt.demo",
            rust_files: &[],
            qml_files: &["qml/main.qml"],

It uses the cxx-qt-build library to:

  1. Check that the QtQuick module is available
  2. Create a QML module out of the main.qml file.
  3. Link the QML module and Qt itself to our Rust application.

Troubleshooting: It is important that the file is next to the Cargo.toml file at the root of the crate.

It can NOT be located in the src/ directory.

✅ Add the startup code to src/

use cxx_qt_lib::{QGuiApplication, QQmlApplicationEngine, QUrl};

fn main() {
    // Create the application and engine
    let mut app = QGuiApplication::new();
    let mut engine = QQmlApplicationEngine::new();

    // Load the QML path into the engine
    if let Some(engine) = engine.as_mut() {

    // Start the app
    if let Some(app) = app.as_mut() {

Take a minute to thoroughly read this code and compare it to a typical C++ main function that launches a Qt application.

❓ What is different? What is similar?
❓ Why are the if let Some(...) expressions necessary?

✅ Run the application

cargo run

If qmake is not in your path, remember to tell Cargo where to find it with the QMAKE environment variable.

QMAKE=.../qmake cargo run

✅ An empty window appears An empty window with the title "Hello World"