Recreate the project as workspace

Let's get started by creating a so-called "cargo workspace". In a growing project, this is a common refactoring, however, given the simplicity of our CLI app, it's easier to just start from the beginning again.

✅ Create yourself an working directory

$ mkdir image-workspace
$ cd image-workspace

✅ create a library crate for image manipulation

$ cargo new --lib image-manipulation

✅ create a binary crate for the CLI app

$ cargo new --bin cli

You folder structure should currently look like this:

$ tree
└── cli
└── image-manipulation

✅ create a file called Cargo.toml in the main folder:

$ tree
└── Cargo.toml
└── cli
└── image-manipulation

✅ fill that file with the following info:

members = ["cli", "image-manipulation"]
resolver = "2"

✅ build the whole workspace once to check everything works

$ cargo build

Move on to creating the library.