
Rust has a macro language. See The Little Book Of Macros.

Important Macros

  • println!(pattern, [values]) Easy printing of formatted strings to stdout

  • format!(pattern, [values]) like println!, but returns Strings

  • write!(buf, pattern, [values]) Simple writing of formatted data to a buffer

What Can They do?

Macros can be used to things such as:

  • Generate repetitive code.

  • Create DSLs.

  • Write things that would otherwise be hard without Macros.

What do They Provide?

Macros are:

  • Hygienic, expansion happens in a different 'syntax context'

  • Correct, they cannot expand to invalid code.

  • Limited, they cannot, for example, pollute their expansion site.

Components of a Macro

A macro has three parts.

  • A name, eg. println.

  • A input portion, defining what the macro accepts.

  • An output portion, defining how it expands.

Macros: Syntax

Let’s see how they look:

macro_rules! double { 
  // Input parameters
  // Output
  ($value * 2);

fn main() {
    let doubled = double!(5);
    println!("{}", doubled);
    // Alternatives:
    double! { 5 };

Macros: Syntax

The ($value:expr) part says that:

The macro accepts one parameter which is an expression.

Parameter types can be restricted.

For example, $foo:ty only accepts a type.

Macros: Syntax

The parameters are prepended with a $ to distinguish them.

Both in the input and output.

Macros: Repetitions

macro_rules! implement_foo_for {
        // This is a repetition!
    ] => {
        // This iterates over the repetition!
        $(impl Foo for $implement_for {})*

implement_foo_for![u8, u16, u32, u64, usize,];
implement_foo_for! { i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, }
implement_foo_for!(f32, f64,);

trait Foo {
    fn foo(&self) {

fn main() {;;

Macros: Repetitions

When we see $(…​)* this is signalling a repetition. It communicates:

This portion of the macro takes a variable number of arguments.

Each repetition in the input should have a matching one in the output.

Macros: Custom Syntax

macro_rules! email {
    ($user:expr => $domain:expr) => {
        format!("{}@{}", $user, $domain);

fn main() {
    let address = email!("me" => "");
    println!("{}", address);

Macros: Custom Syntax

Macros allow for a limited form of custom syntax and can be used to build simple DSLs.

For a good example of this, see clap-rs

Downsides of Macros


  • Can be difficult to debug.

  • Can be confusing to read and understand.

When Should You Use Macros?

Use macros where there are no other good alternatives.

Avoid overusing macros.