

fn add(first: i32, second: i32) -> i32 {
    first + second


fn return_nothing() {}

fn return_a_random() -> i32 {
    4 // Chosen by dice roll.

fn maybe_return_a_random(should: bool) -> Option<i32> {
    if should {
    } else {


Returning is optional. Signatures must be complete.

fn returns_nothing() {

fn doesnt_compile() -> bool {

fn returns() -> bool {

Generic Functions

Generic functions have type parameters.

fn takes_anything<T>(thing: T) -> T {

With Bounds

Generic functions can be constrained.

These are equivalent:

fn prints_anything<T: Debug>(thing: T) {
    println!("{:?}", thing);

fn prints_anything<T>(thing: T)
    T: Debug,
    println!("{:?}", thing);

Functions for types

If we didn’t have methods (like in C), we’d have to write this:

struct Square(f32);

fn square_num_sides() -> u32 {

fn square_calc_area(square: &Square) -> f32 {
    square.0 * square.0

fn square_double_size(square: &mut Square) {
    square.0 *= 2.0;

Associated Functions

Fortunately, Rust has a better solution than putting square_ on all our function names.

struct Square(f32);

impl Square {
    fn num_sides() -> u32 {

fn main() {
    println!("Num sides: {}", Square::num_sides());

Methods that access data

When our function needs to access the data inside the associated type, we can use &self.

This is a shortcut for self: &Self, where Self is an alias for whatever impl Foo block we’re inside of.

struct Square(f32);

impl Square {
    fn calc_area(&self) -> f32 {
        self.0 * self.0

fn main() {
    let sq = Square(1.0);
    println!("Area: {}", sq.calc_area());

Methods that mutate data

When our function needs to mutate the data inside the associated type, we can use &mut self.

This is a shortcut for self: &mut Self, where Self is an alias for whatever impl Foo block we’re inside of.

struct Square(f32);

impl Square {
    fn calc_area(&self) -> f32 {
        self.0 * self.0

    fn double_size(&mut self) {
        self.0 *= 2.0;

fn main() {
    let mut sq = Square(1.0);
    println!("Area: {}", sq.calc_area());
    println!("New Area: {}", sq.calc_area());

Methods that taken ownership of the data

When our function needs to take ownership of the variable associated type, we can use self.

This is a shortcut for self: Self, where Self is an alias for whatever impl Foo block we’re inside of.

struct Square(f32);

impl Square {
    fn calc_area(&self) -> f32 {
        self.0 * self.0

    fn destroy(self) {
        println!("I ate the square. It has gone.");

fn main() {
    let sq = Square(1.0);
    println!("Area: {}", sq.calc_area());
    // This line won't compile
    // println!("Area: {}", sq.calc_area());