Take the code snippet at the end of this sheet and complete it where indicated with ✅ TODO
When you’re done, it should print the following output:
found: hay
found: hay
found: hay
found: needle
found: hay
found: hay
top of the haystack: hay
look, I found the needle: ["needle"]
bale size: 5
empty haystack: [(), (), (), (), ()]
Code snippet to be completed
// NOTE: Once you're done, your ouput could look like this:
// found: hay
// found: hay
// found: hay
// found: needle
// found: hay
// found: hay
// top of the haystack: hay
// look, I found the needle: ["needle"]
// emoji haystack: ["🌾", "🌾", "🌾", "🌾", "🌾"]
fn main(){
let outside = "it's raining!";
let rummage = | element | { // 👈 input parameters MAY omit type annotation
// if the type can be inferred.
println!("found: {}", element);
println!("meanwhile, the weather: {}", outside); // 👈 closures can
// refer to ("capture") the surrounding environment.
// *By default*, the environment is borrowed (shared or mutable).
// When given a choice, this is the behaviour picked by the compiler: shared > mutable > owned.
// For further details, see https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types/closure.html#capture-modes
// 👈 no return statement: just like functions or blocks, closures *can* return values,
// but this one doesn't - hence it implictly returns the empty tuple `()`.
}; // 👈 {}s are only needed for multi-line closures
let haystack = vec!["hay", "hay", "hay", "needle", "hay", "hay"];
// 👀 Closures can be used as function arguments.
// since we captured our environment in a shared (immutable) fashion, we're free to run this closure again:
// Closures can mutate the variables they are capturing
// ✅ TODO: remove all the hay from `haystack` by checking whether `key` is a needle
// ✅ TODO: as a side effect, count the hay
let mut haystack_clone = haystack.clone();
let mut hay_count = 0;
haystack_clone.retain(|key| /* check key and increment hay count here */ );
println!("look, I found the amid between {} pieces of hay: {:?}", hay_count, haystack_clone);
// 👀 a common use case for closures is to transform collections
// using e.g. `map()` and `filter()`.
// ✅ TODO: use `map()` to convert every "hay" in the haystack to a "🌾"
let emoji_haystack: Vec<_> = haystack
.filter(|element | *element == "hay")
.map( /* increment bale size here */ )
println!("emoji haystack: {:?}", emoji_haystack);
// ✅ TODO: try uncommenting the next line. What happens when you re-compile and why?
// println!("haystack: {:?}", haystack );
// ✅ Bonus Task: re-implement the creation of `emoji_haystack` using `filter_map()`
// https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html#method.filter_map
Note for Instructors
Distribute the code snippet below in a playground
You can find an example solution in teaching-material/assignments/solutions/fill_in_the_blanks.
It is called closures.rs
. You can run it by calling cargo run --bin closures
in the fill_in_the_blanks