Async Building Blocks


  • Built from important "building blocks"

  • Futures, Tasks, Executors, Streams, and more

Differences between async & sync

  • sync programming often has imperative behaviour

  • async programming is about constructing a process at runtime and then executing it

  • this process is called the "futures tree"

An async Rust function

use tokio::{fs::File, io::AsyncReadExt};

async fn read_from_disk(path: &str) -> std::io::Result<String> {
    let mut file = File::open(path).await?;

    let mut buffer = String::new();
    file.read_to_string(&mut buffer).await?;

(sketch) Desugaring return type

use std::future::Future;

use tokio::{fs::File, io::AsyncReadExt};

fn read_from_disk<'a>(path: &'a str)
   -> impl Future<Output = std::io::Result<String>> + 'a
    async move {
        let mut file = File::open(path).await?;

        let mut buffer = String::new();
        file.read_to_string(&mut buffer).await?;

What are Futures

Futures represent a datastructure that - at some point in the future - give us the value that we are waiting for. The Future may be:

  • delayed

  • immediate

  • infinite

Futures are operations

Futures are complete operations that can be awaited for.


  • read: Read (up to) a number of bytes

  • read_to_end: Read a complete input stream

  • connect: Connect a socket

Futures are poll-based

They can be checked if they are done, and are usually mapped to readiness based APIs like epoll.

.await registers interest in completion

use tokio::{fs::File, io::AsyncReadExt};

async fn read_from_disk(path: &str) -> std::io::Result<String> {
    let mut file = File::open(path).await?;

    let mut buffer = String::new();
    file.read_to_string(&mut buffer).await?;

Futures are cold

fn main() {
    let read_from_disk_future = read_from_disk();

Futures need to be executed

use tokio::{fs::File, io::AsyncReadExt};

async fn main() {
    let read_from_disk_future = read_from_disk("Cargo.toml");

    let result = async {
        let task = tokio::task::spawn(read_from_disk_future);

    println!("{:?}", result);

async fn read_from_disk(path: &str) -> std::io::Result<String> {
    let mut file = File::open(path).await?;

    let mut buffer = String::new();
    file.read_to_string(&mut buffer).await?;


  • A task connects a future to the executor

  • The task is the concurrent unit!

  • A task is similar to a thread, but is user-space scheduled

Futures all the way down: Combining Futures

use tokio::fs::File;
use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
use tokio::time::Duration;

async fn main() {
    let read_from_disk_future = read_from_disk("Cargo.toml");

    let timeout = Duration::from_millis(1000);
    let timeout_read = tokio::time::timeout(timeout, read_from_disk_future);

    let result = async {
        let task = tokio::task::spawn(timeout_read);

    println!("{:?}", result);

Ownership/Borrowing Memory in concurrent systems

  • Ownership works just like expected - it flows in and out of tasks/futures

  • Borrows work over .await points

  • This means: All owned memory in a Future must remain at the same place

  • Sharing between tasks is often done using Rc/Arc

Categories of Executors

  • single-threaded

    • Generally better latency, no synchronisation requirements

    • Highly susceptible to accidental blockades

    • Harmed by accidental pre-emption

  • multi-threaded

    • Generally better resource use, synchronisation requirements

    • Harmed by accidental pre-emption

  • deblocking

    • Actively monitor for blocked execution threads and will spin up new ones

Reference Counting

  • Reference counting on single-threaded executors can be done using Rc

  • Reference counting on multi-threaded executors can be done using Arc


  • Streams are async iterators

  • They represent potentially infinite arrivals

  • They cannot be executed, but operations on them are futures

Classic Stream operations

  • iteration

  • merging

  • filtering

Async iteration

while let Some(item) = {