In this exercise, we will implement a simple redis client.

Preparation + Setup

Step 1

Install a Redis server on your machine, using e.g. your favorite package manager or Docker.

Step 2

Create a binary project called redis-client: cargo new --bin redis-client


Step 3

Implement a command line handler that lets your program either

  • get and print the value for a given key, or

  • set a given value for a given key, and

  • defaults to redis:// as the server to connect to, but lets you override that

You can launch your binary with cargo run -- your args --and-params=here. Test argument parsing works as expected using println!.

Step 4

Add a library crate to your package and implement a RedisClient struct that can get and set values. It should be constructable using only a generic IntoConnectionInfo parameter and expose no redis-specific functionality (essentially behave like a dictionary).

Test its functionality with a round trip unit test (set key to value, assert get(key) == value).

Step 5

Hook up your command line arguments to the RedisClient. In the get case, println! a String created from the returned value.
